Excavated on the left side of the Valley of the Kings, among many others of the Empire of New Egypt, is the tomb of Ramses IX (11th century BC). It is the first one the visitor finds, after crossing the entrance door to the place. There is the drawing of a human figure, a snake that forms a right angle and a beetle in a set of rectangles.


In the mid-twentieth century, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz found that this human figure is supported by the hypotenuse of a right triangle 3-4-5 whose catheti  are shaped by the snake. He also thought he had found the proportional values ​​of p and F related to the human figure but his calculations and graphical demonstrations do not show satisfactory results.


The results presented below correspond to the analysis of said drawing in its entirety. This one gathers a set of geometric solutions, anthropometric proportions and the values ​​of p and F, in an ingenious lasting testimony of knowledge from a far period and hidden as it was done in other representative designs of remote cultures.


The drawing contains two sets: one is that of the beetle and two rectangles; the other the one of the human figure and the serpent. The two sets are independent, both in their design and in their interpretation. To motivate this, some signs were left in the drawing that, due to their position, dimension, proportion and geometry, could be singled out and, in some cases, associated.


From what has been observed in similar cases, in testimonies of the knowledge of geometry in the remote cultures of Sumer and Tiwanaku, by the presence of the numerous signals and patterns found especially in the second set it was assumed that it encrypted several messages and that it was necessary to discern signs and patterns that would serve to decipher each one.


In the development of the study it was found indications that although they were clear they were not for a single message, showing that the same graphic had been used to hide different approaches. To group the signs and discover different reading patterns for each message, we looked for how to make alignments, draw geometric figures, size them and find centers of circles, in a long iterative process going from the simplest to the complex.



In the configuration of the beetle set two golden rectangles are hidden because they have sides 1 and F. The other one, to the left, is divided significantly into 5 columns (the 5 is essential for the knowledge of F) and has sides p and F.


The human figure (in the hypotenuse) with the serpent (in the cathetus) make a right triangle 3-4-5. The extended arm, in the extension of the catheti with value 4, makes another unit to show the way to solve that type of triangles in that culture as it was done in Sumer 10 centuries before:

In right triangles whose sides are measured with integers if: the hypotenuse is odd, one catheti is odd with the other pair and the difference between the largest and the hypotenuse is 1 or 2; the value of the hypotenuse is equal to the major catheti plus 2 if the minor catheti is even and 1 if it is odd.

It is known that Pythagoras, six centuries later, spent more than twenty years on study trips to Egypt, Mesopotamia (where Sumer was), Byblos, Tire, Syria and India. It is very possible that he has known the drawing in the tomb of Ramses and the Sumerian solution (recorded by Gudea in his most famous sculpture). Later it would become famous by the solution of the right triangle with the squares supported in its sides.


The signs of the right angles that the snake forms in its neck and in its central part, the ends of the foot of the human figure and the direction indicated by the beard, determine the configuration of a square; and, the phallus shows the direction of the diagonal of that geometric figure. With the same scale of the triangle and associated with it, the square has a surface of 12.5 and its diagonal measures 5.

The prolongation of the hypotenuse crosses that of the alignment defined by the end of the phallus, the tip of the nose and the back of the hand. The distance between that intersection and that of the hypotenuse and the catheti with value 4, is the radius of a circle with surface 12.56 ...

The set of square and circle is a simple solution of the 'quadrature of the circle', but with a discrepancy of 0.5%. It would probably be the oldest known and proven, according to the approach:

From a circle, construct a square that has the same surface, only with the use of a compass and an ungraded rule.


Solution A

The intersection of the diagonal of the square with the hypotenuse marks the center of a circle that has as a radius the distance to the ends of the head and foot of the human figure. Assuming the turn of this one to put its axis parallel to the cathetus  with value 4, considering that it is proper for man to have his height equivalent to F2 his navel indicates the golden section with the division of 1 and F, aligned with the lower point of the base of the phallus.

Being the diameter of the circle equivalent to F2, this plus the unit added to the cathetus with value 4, until the end of the extended arm, determines the proportional value of p. The values ​​of p and F can be as they are now known, depending on the layout and size of the geometric figures; however, the trigonometric analysis establishes a margin of discrepancy of 1 per thousand; to give 3.14 instead of 3.1415 in the case of p and 1.62 instead of 1.618 in the case of F.

Solution B

With the same design used in the reading to find Solution A, the circle is achieved. Likewise, the human figure is rotated to its vertical position, but with a smaller stature, having as limits the upper part of the circle and the base of the square; obviously that height is equivalent to F2, being the proportion of man; however, there is no signal to locate F in the navel in relation to any signal in the human figure.

With center in the vertex formed by the hypotenuse and the catheus  with value 4, and with a radius with value 1 indicated by the extended arm in the direction of that cathetus, a circular arc is traced until intercepting the prolongation of the hypotenuse, being achieved in the vertical direction a dimension of 0.8 that added to that of the same cathetus  gives 4.8 to proportionally show the value of p.

By the trigonometric solution, or by the congruence of triangles, it is determined that if the height of the man is 4 and equals F2, the total length of 4.8 equals a p of 3.1416 ..., with a difference less than 4 in one hundred thousand of the value known now. This result could show that in that culture the ratio between 4.8 and 4 (equal to 1.2) was known, as it was used in other cultures and epochs, to relate ap with F, by means of F2 that is the paradigm of the human proportion.


In the book Secrets of the Great Pyramid, mention is made of the discovery made by RA Schwaller de Lubicz of triangle 3-4-5 and of the values ​​of p and F in the drawing found in the tomb of Ramses IX. He would have established that the phallus divides the body into 1 and F, giving a total of F2.

The length of the hypotenuse, 5 or 1, is greater than the height of the human figure represented, although the total height of the figure with the raised arm is 6 or 1.2. However, although the ratio between p and F2 is approximately 1.2, it does not correspond to the proportions indicated in the second drawing. Furthermore, according to the anthropometric proportions, it is impossible for the phallus to divide the human figure into 1 and F.

That is, the first drawing only expresses the relation of the length of the hypotenuse with the height indicated by the arm raised by the character (5 and 6, or 1 and 1, 2), without taking into account the height of the man. The second drawing shows F2, equating √5 + 3 with a value of 1; and, the length shown as 1.2 F2 equated with √5 + 4 has a proportional value of 3,118 ... which is far from being that of p.

Despite these errors, it is recognized that Schwaller de Lubicz found triangle 3-4-5 and sensed the presence of p and F.

Books of the author: